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Join The
DDFUA Squad Today!

Find Links Below To Assist You 


New Umpire Registration 


If you're new Umpire please click on the link to register for the season.

Returning Umpires (Officials HQ)


 Umpires that are returning this is the main link for you to access your appointments every week, pay and to mange your availability for games.

Umpiring WA T.V


The DDFUA wants to make sure that all Umpires have complete access the best resources available to improve their skills, knowledge and law interpretations of the game they love!

XBlades Umpiring Uniform's 


On this website you'll be able to purchase your On-Field & Off-Field Uniforms that are required to be worn on game days.





*If You Require A DDFUA Training Shirt Please Go Into The Members Section* 


How To Apply For A Working With Children Check (WWC)


Being a DDFUA member/Umpire means you might require a working with children check.


If you're unsure please speak to the Umpire Manager or Operations Coordinator they will gladly assist you.



WAFC Metro Conference Competition Fixtures & Results 


This link will be able to provide all Umpires and Members to view the fixtures and results of any game.


AFL Law Books:

Click on Button to view or download AFL Law books


WAFC Umpiring Handbooks:


Click on Button to view or download WAFC handbooks:


Metro Central Conference 

Reporting Template:


Click on button below to view and download reporting template:


All umpires are to fill out this form if a

Red Card is given out.


Please contact your

Umpire Manager or Operations Coordinator

If any card has been issued.


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